Addison had a wonderful first Christmas. She spent Christmas day with Grandomommy Grandpoppy and Uncle Nathan and then spent Friday - Sunday with Grammy Grampy Uncle Matt, Aunt Krista, Uncle Jason, Cousin Evan, Uncle Nate and Aunt Taryn. She had a lot of fun!! (Pictures of the weekend with the Chenoweths to come!)
This weekend Ms Addison sat in her first high chair at the dinner table in a restaurant and had her first big girl bath. She also had her first Christmas with the Allen's (Mommy's grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousin). Pictures coming soon.
This past weekend we made our trip to the Christmas tree and boy did we find a good one. Addison was awake for most of it. Mommy forgot her jacket so Addison and her blanket were keeping her nice and warm!
Since we started Addison on solids a bit earlier than normal, we decided to advance to stage 2 foods a bit early also. She is doing a great job with her veggies and is learning to open her mouth when she sees the spoon and even closes her lips over the spoon. So far we have tried mixed veggies and turkey/chicken and veggie beef. She has enjoyed all 3. We tried bananas, raspberries and peaches but she was not a fan (she hasn't enjoyed fruit at all). Here are some pics from the experience (video to come soon).
Its official! On Friday, mommy was offered a promotion to the IT department at her job. She accepted so as of December 1st she will be moving off the help desk and taking her position as the EFT Network Specialist. This means less time in the office on the weekends (though she will be on call a lot) HOORAY!!
I guess after seeing cousin Evan feed himself in the video on his blog she decided she wanted to be a big girl too. She grabbed the spoon out of my hand and proceeded to feed herself her cereal!
Addison got a cute bear blanket that has little crinklies in the the ends that I thought would be fun for her to chew on (which she did enjoy). Here is a video of her with the blanket for the first time. I was making the bear give her kisses =D
A few days ago we tried peas and seemed to enjoy them, last night, we tried prunes and they were ok but today when we had prunes the 2nd time, they were flippin GROSS!
Saturday we went with Uncle Nate and Aunt Taryn to the rib fest in down town Lawrenceville. By the time we got there, the lines were long and they were about to quit serving ribs. We left and went and had a yummy dinner at Taco Mac. Ms. Addison got to wear her big girl jeans.
Addison went to the doctor yesterday for her 4 month check up and more shots. She is a growing girl! She is just shy of 13lbs at 12 lbs 15 ozs and is 25 inches long. She dropped from the 60th percentile to the 32nd percentile for weight but the doctor said he isn't worried. She is however in the 75th percentile for height (I have no idea where she gets it). We go back in December for her 6 month check up and another round of shots.