Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Stage 2 Food!!

Since we started Addison on solids a bit earlier than normal, we decided to advance to stage 2 foods a bit early also. She is doing a great job with her veggies and is learning to open her mouth when she sees the spoon and even closes her lips over the spoon. So far we have tried mixed veggies and turkey/chicken and veggie beef. She has enjoyed all 3. We tried bananas, raspberries and peaches but she was not a fan (she hasn't enjoyed fruit at all). Here are some pics from the experience (video to come soon).

Exersaucer Time!

Addison has recently gotten big enough and has enough control to play in the exersaucer.

Hooray Mommy

Its official! On Friday, mommy was offered a promotion to the IT department at her job. She accepted so as of December 1st she will be moving off the help desk and taking her position as the EFT Network Specialist. This means less time in the office on the weekends (though she will be on call a lot) HOORAY!!

School Pictures

Addison had her first school pictures a few weeks ago. They are sooo cute! Here are the proofs:

This is her class and her main teachers: