Addison began her transition to the 1 year room last Thursday and was fully transitioned by Friday. She did excellent and dropped to 1 nap a day seamlessly. The teachers have asked us to start sending finger foods with her and they will work with her on eating 'big girl food' so we have. she's had cheese ravioli bits and veggi dip poofs, apple cinnamon fruit bars etc.
Tonight she was sitting in my lap while i was eating leftover chicken quesadillas from Frontera. i was holding her with my right hand and attepmting to eat with my left. I took a bite and while i was chewing, Addison leaned down and took a bite out of my quesadilla!!!
She LOVED it. She helped mommy finish her dinner and had her first taste of mexican food!
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
3 days ago