Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rawr Daddy Rawr



Yes, that is an oven mitt.


Monday, May 10, 2010


While we were in  Jamaica, Zack and I met a wonderful artist Aubin Dunkley.  He took a picture of Addi and drew her!


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Visit with friends and Mothers Day

Saturday afternoon we went to visit the Herrings.  Matt was Zack’s roommate throughout college.  He was just published in a well known medical journal and will be getting is PhD in December after getting married in November! Congrats Matt.

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Sunday, we met up with Mimi Papa and Uncle Nathan at Capers in Marietta for Brunch then we hung out around the house for a lazy Sunday!

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Addi and Daddy Time

When we got back, Mommy had to go back to work but Daddy had 4 more days off!  He and Addi had a fun time going to the park and playing around the house.


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While Mommy and Daddy are Away….

Mimi and Papa kept Addison while mommy and daddy were gone.  Here are some pictures of their fun.

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Mommy and Daddy took a week long trip to Jamaica for an early anniversary celebration.  It was a blast!  We will definitely go back (next time Addi will come with us).  Here are a few pictures from our fun trip.



We climbed Dunn’s River Falls… all 960 ft!


Zack learned how to sail… Then we went out with a guide on Tuesday.

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This was the view of our building from the beach.  we were the 2nd room on the left bottom floor

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Daisy Mae, Trikey and Chalk

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Big Girl Stair Climbing

Addison has recently started climbing the stairs by herself and refuses help. 

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Not so happy…..

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Crazy Face!!!

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Athens for a Day

On April 17th we went to get Mimi and Papa’s new puppy Daisy and stopped through Athens for lunch.  Here are some pictures from our excursion.


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