Here is me right before I was induced on Tuesday June 10th at 9:30 AM
Labor was long. My mom, sister in law Krista, Zack and my very sneaky father were in the delivery room. The limit was 2 people other than Zack and I and my dad managed to sit quietly in a corner reading his book during the delivery process. Before the pushing began I was allowed visitors. Zacks parents and brother and our sister in law Taryn came to visit.
They gave me a Cytotec pill at 11am to get the process started. This pill was to help soften my cervix and in good cases, will throw some women into active labor, which it was successful in doing for me. At 4:20 my doctor came in and broke my water and I was 2 cm dilated. At 7:35 I was given an IV drug Stadol to help ease the contractions before I received my Epidural at 9:50. At 10:50 my doctor decided to start me on a low dose of Pitocin to help speed the labor process up b/c the epidural had slowed it a bit. At 12:05 I was 6cm dilated and at the -2 station. At 12:20 I was put on oxygen b/c Addison's heart rate would drop after contractions. By 2:35 am I was ready to start pushing. Dr Williams arrived at 3am (longest 25 min of my life trying not to start pushing that baby out). The pushing began at 3:03am and continued until 4:42 am when Addison was born!! 7lbs 11 ozs 20 inches long with a head full of hair!
Here are some pictures of the labor process....
Addison weighed 7lbs 11 ozs and was 21 inches long. Here is a picture of her being weighed.
Some family came to visit just before I got my epidural.
Here are Grandmom and Grandpoppy with Addison
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