Today we celebrated Addison's 1 month birthday with an early trip to the dr for her 1 month check up. Our big girl weighs 9lbs 8.5 ozs and is 21 3/4 inches long. She also got her second hep B shot and boy was she an unhappy baby after that! The dr said she is in fact not teething but has a cyst on her lower gum. She said it will go away on its own and is very common.
After Daddy went to work Mommy and Addison continued the birthday celebration with and nap and then a trip to Target to get the Vitamin D and Cortizone the doctor asked us to get.
Here is a picture of Addison doing what she does best.
1 comment:
That's hilarious how she sleeps with her hand on her face! :) In another week she'll be as big as Ev was when he was born -- imagine pushing her out then! ;)
Happy birthday, baby girl!
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