Friday, March 19, 2010

Some Updates

Addison’s vocabulary is increasing daily.  She has started speaking in 4-5 word sentences to express her want for something or displeasure with something else. 

The other day, I was getting her ready for school and she sang her ABC’s from A-Z with no help and didn’t miss a letter.  I was shocked.  She has since done it once or twice more and i got part of one on tape so I’ll post it soon.

In the bath the other night she discoverd her pruned toes and freaked out saying with much worry, ‘uhoh toes uhoh toes’ ‘uhoh foot, uhoh foot’ over and over… all night until bed.  Then I covered her little feet with her blanked and she said ‘night night toes’.  i painted her toenails for the first time and she can’t decide if its ‘uhoh toes’ or ‘pretty toes’. 

Here are some pictures from the recent fun.



Watching Clifford


Getting ready to leave for school.



Coloring with Daddy after scattering toys all over the floor


Painted toes (uhoh toes!)



Spaghetti on one fork corn on the other!

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