Wednesday, September 24, 2008

First Solid Food

When I took Addison to the doctor on Monday, she gave us the go ahead to start trying rice cereal.

Here is a video of the fun.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Poor Sick Baby

Poor Addison started teething a week or so ago and now she has her first cold =( She had a runny nose Friday evening and I thought it was just part of teething but Saturday morning she woke up with goopy eyes, a cough and sneezing =(

Even when our poor baby is sick she is still in good spirits!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Nap time

Ms. Addison likes napping with Grandpoppy

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rolling Baby Part 2

Wednesday night we had a very fun development! Addison rolled from her back to her tummy while playing on her jungle mat!! She has done it 1 other time since. Video to come soon!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Daycare Day 1

This morning a very emotional mommy dropped her baby girl off at daycare for the first time. She is going to Lawrenceville First Methodist.

Today she only napped a total of 2 hours. When mommy saw the activity sheet she understood why!

They had music time in the chapel, outside play, the creative art for the day was water coloring, sensory stimulation was building blocks, language arts was colors and shapes, cognitive development was the color green and the self help/life skill was practicing holding her own bottle.

She had such a big day that when mommy got there at 6 to take her home she was sound asleep and now, at 9pm has not woken up! She should sleep soundly tonight.


In anticipation of her first day at daycare little miss passed out in the floor before bedtime.

Naptime with Daddy

Pirate Baby

While in Disney we got Addison Mickey ears and a few t-shirts. Daddy picked out the pirate shirt.