Sunday, August 23, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Cousin Evan

Today is Cousin Evans 2nd birthday. We are sending him wishes from Lawrenceville and hope he has a WONDERFUL birthday!

Happy Anniversary Granny and Papa! They are in Cape Cod this weekend with family. I do believe today marks 40 years for them!! HOORAY!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dit down

So I put addison down for a second nap today (we are taking her to the
gwinnett braves game tonight) and after I leave the room I hear her
through the monitor, 'Mama mama! Dit down. Dit down.'

Sent from my mobile device


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Weekend Lake Fun

peeking over the edge at Granny in the water.

Addison laid down on the towel and Ev decided to join.

I LOVE the piggys!! Her hair is getting so long they are fluffier and fluffier every time.

We're trying to learn to sit in chairs, not stand. When we tell her to sit down, she responds with 'dit down' when we sternly say 'Now' she sits down and says 'da dou' (thank you) we reply with 'thank you'.

Happy Birthday Cousin Ev! Part3

Happy Birthday Cousin Ev! Part2

So strong!! Which way to the gun show?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Cousin Ev! Part1


I was eating a pickle tonight and addison opened wide for a bite. She chomped down and got the most shocked and confused look ever. Then, she proceeded to ask for more.


We finally broke 20 lbs! We had a quick dr visit today and addi weighed on at 20 lb 3 oz!