Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cousin Declan Turns One!!



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Random Pics from My Phone


I will paint myself, the table and the paper thank you.

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This girl LOVES dinosaurs.  We read about them every night.  She talks about them all the time, she can pronounce the names correctly.  If she could pick between Princesses (with the exception of Princess and the Frog because the princess is a frog for most of the movie) and dinosaurs, she would pick dinosaurs.


After a trim and a blow dry


Happy girl!

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Train Ride!


I wear my glasses upside down!


no words needed..

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Getties NOM


Happy Birthday Zek!

Zek is a friend of Addison’s from school.  Addison talks about him ALLLLL the time!

These kids LOVED the bouncy house!


Birthday boy gets the first shot at the pinata


Addison’s turn!


Where’d all the candy go?


Micah is another of Addi’s best friends

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Kite Flying

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Camp Out

Recently Addison has been all about sleeping on the floor… here is how she spent one night..



Happy Birthday Amelia

Amelia is one of Addison’s very best friends.  She has a great time playing with all of her friends from school.  Ameila had her 3rd birthday party a few weeks ago and they had a wonderful time playing on the playground.


Addison and another of her very best friends Polly cooling off with a drink


Amelia blowing out her candles

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Addison and Zek

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Addison and Carter blowing bubbles

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Look Lewis!

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