Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy Baby Nate and Taryn

This past weekend we attended Nate and Taryn’s baby shower.  It was a great time and they got lots of good loot.


Here are some pictures from the happy occasion.  Both Addison and Evan had a great time and there were minimal melt downs considering they had no nap!


Looking out at the dogs


Playing with Uncle Nate through the window



Aunt Krista (and cousin Grady)


Addison enjoying a hot dog


Granny and her babies!


Uncle Matt sure is weird but entertaining!

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Popa decided to take a short nap in the kitchen


Addi and Evan were cute with their hugs until Addi’d had enough.

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Finally, on the way home she crashed.


1 comment:

k said...

Thanks for the pictures :) That one of Addi sleeping on the way home is so cute and funny!